Sunday, May 31, 2009


Sideways. The name of a weird movie about my favorite wine, pinot noir. And also how our baby girl has started sleeping! This past week, Campbell has caused us a little heartache over her sleeping. Not because she's not sleeping well - she's sleeping like a perfect little angel! The issue is she's decided it's more comfy on her side, which would be fine I guess, or on her tummy. Not so fine! You are supposed to put babies to bed on their backs, and we had a couple of rough naptimes this week because I wasn't real comfortable allowing Campbell to flip over on her belly. We have been finding her on her stomach a few mornings in a row. Our fears have pretty much been calmed since I called the pediatrician and they told us that if she's strong enough to get on her belly and to lift her head, she is fine and we need not worry. Okie doke! We'll try! If she's got her mind set on flipping over, there's really nothing we can do to keep her on her back.

Sideways. The way Campbell decided to suck on her paci the other day and scare me to death! I was showering and had Campbell in the bouncy seat in the bathroom just outside the shower with her favorite paci. She let out a frantic scream out of the blue. I opened the shower door to find her paci in her mouth sideways...the plastic part that should be resting against her face was wedged betweeen her gums and her two little teeth. She was fine as soon as I pulled it out - she screamed for a while because I think it scared her so bad. Me too! We are done with those paci's and I went out that afternoon and bought bigger ones.

Our friends Dana and Lee and their little boy, Hunter, came over Saturday afternoon to grill out Campbell and Hunter, who is 10 months old, are friends from church. We took them to the pool after lunch and took the babies swimming in the big pool. Campbell was again indifferent - the water was cold and she didn't cry at all. She didn't smile much either, but I'd say it was a success.

Other than that, not much has been happening around here except work. I just listed my second house in two weeks! I've been pretty busy and getting creative trying to find ways to work and entertain a baby simultaneously. Campbell has been very patient with me! I did experience a hazard of my wonderful job as a realtor. Fire ants! Travis was driving me around Friday night to stick directional signs in the neighborhood leading to my newest listing. I stepped out of the car and right on a fire ant hill, wearing flip flops!!!!, to put a sign in the ground. Youch! If that's the most painful thing about this job, I think I can handle it.

After a long day of church, holding an open house across town, playing with Campbell, grilling out for dinner, and putting the baby to bed, I'm ready to go get Sideways. Goodnight.