Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sick of Being One

Campbell turned one just over a week ago, and unfortunately, she's been sick ever since! Other than when she was really sick at birth...Campbell really wasn't sick in the first year. Once or twice we thought she had a cold coming on, but it never amounted to anything. I think we can officially chalk this up as her first cold. Yippee!

Her nose is running like a faucet. It's pretty nasty because she tries to rub her nose and ends up smearing it across her face, in her hair, etc. I know, TMI. The runny nose causes her to cough. And then on two occasions, the cough has made her throw up! :( Not spit up, throw up, like an adult. And lucky us, Travis and I have each gotten the opportunity to get thrown up on this past week. This is what parenting is all about, right!?! All jokes aside, we feel so bad for her. She has been really cranky which is so out of character for our happy little girl. She's clingy, fussy, and the weirdest symptom of all...has lost her appetite! You KNOW I've never said that before. Yesterday we were actually pretty worried because she barely ate or drank all day. Thankfully she's eating more today, but still probably only about a third of her normal appetite.

Oh, and the best part? Now I have caught the cold! It was only a matter of time. My shirt is often what she chooses to wipe her nose on. Gross, I know, I'm sorry. I think she must have heard the pediatrician tell me that most allergies are inherited from the mother, and this is her way of paying me back. :) We have spent the majority of this past week cooped up in the house trying unsuccessfully to get her well, so I also have a nasty case of cabin fever. The good news is that Travis is officially on Christmas vacation and not going back to work until 2010. So we'll have some family time and I'll have some daytime help. Yay!!

Onto to happier things...yesterday we battled the winter weather and headed to Marion to celebrate Christmas early. Travis' brother Bryan was in from Texas for a short visit, so the 15" of snow on the ground in Marion couldn't keep us away. We only had about an inch here, but it was mixed with ice and sleet. We had a great day hanging out with all 5 of the Justice nieces and nephew, both of Travis' brothers and their wives, his parents and his Nanny. We had a yummy turkey dinner and then got to watch the kids tear into all their presents. Campbell was sort of cranky since she's feeling bad, but she still managed to hang with the big kids. Now we will just get well and head to Virginia on Christmas Eve to celebrate Christmas again...Reid-style! I'm very sorry to report that I didn't take a single picture yesterday. My excuse is that I was tending to a sick baby most of the day and didn't have a free hand to take pictures. Still, shame on me!

Earlier this week, I got caught up in all of Campbell's allergies and forgot to share her one year stats. Our girl is still almost off the charts!
Weight: 24.15 lbs - 95th percentile
Height: 31 inches - 95th percentile
Head: Forgot the exact measurement, but it was also 95th percentile

And lastly, while I'm jumping subjects...I need to give three birthday shout-outs. First, Saturday was my Grandma's birthday. She turned...well, she'll plead the fifth. Saturday was also my niece, Peyton's, birthday and she turned 6. And today is my niece, Taylor's, birthday and she turned 3. Happy birthday everybody!