Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby Velcro

Baby Velcro is the term I'm using to describe a baby who has been literally stuck to me for the past week. I didn't coin this phrase, I found it while doing google searches on things like "what to do when your one year old child will not let go of you...ever." Campbell is typically such an easy-going, rarely fussy, not clingy, goes to anyone, plays well kinda baby. This week - someone must have swapped her out when we weren't looking, because we have had the complete opposite! I seriously considered calling Jo Jo from Super Nanny for an emergency visit.

First, before I go on a rampage about my needy child, I should say that despite the Baby Velcro issue, we had a wonderful Christmas in Virginia with my family. We went up on Christmas Eve and arrived around lunchtime, and returned Sunday afternoon. My parents were understanding of her attachment issues and still managed to have lots of cuddles and good quality time. They spoiled all of us with gifts, food, food and more food, help with Campbell, and just great company. We really enjoyed our time with them, and feel pretty bad that Lexi decided to play tug of war with their carpet. :( Lexi won. :( I'm already anticipating Christmases in years to come when Campbell really understands what is going on. It was still fun even though she was more interested in a noodle from the pool this summer than she was any of her gifts!! Celebrating the holidays through the eyes of a child is something pretty special. My Mom and I took Campbell to the Christmas Eve service at church. It was a family service, so it wasn't too inappropriate each time she made noise. Thank goodness for a bag of Cheerios which we rationed out that got us through the service. Each time the congregation clapped, there was a 10-second delay, and then Campbell would clap. Adorable!!

The baby velcro issue started before we left town. As I had mentioned, Campbell had a terrible cold which is luckily almost gone. On Monday morning, which was the 21st, I woke up sick. Like throwing up all day. NOT fun with a baby that wouldn't leave my side. She was not letting Travis near her, which didn't help me at all, and I'm sure really hurt his feelings! Thankfully I got over my stomach bug, and got well enough for us to take her to the doctor. She was barely eating and was so lethargic and cranky. That's when we found out Campbell had her first ear infection! No wonder! On top of cutting all four molars and another tooth closer to the front, poor baby had hurting ears and a terrible headcold. Thank goodness for antibiotics which seem to be doing the trick.
I felt like a koala bear or a mama kangaroo this week. I love my daughter to pieces, I really do. But a little space would have been nice every now and then! I really feel for parents with clingy babies, and I pray that this was just a little phase that stemmed from being sick. I am so glad she seems to be feeling better. Once we got back home last night, she was playing with her toys, walking around independently, and even spending some time with Travis. She was completely boycotting him this week, so we are totally relieved that she is returning to her status of Daddy's Little Girl! Hallelujah!!!!!! We are also happy to announce that Campbell has a REAL first word! She's been saying Da-Da for months. She definitely knows that Travis is Da-Da and calls him that sometimes, but she also uses Da-Da for many other things. Same with Ba-Ba (which is what we call her bottles) and Ma-Ma. But while in Virginia, it is evident that Campbell says Ka-Ka. Cracker! If you give her a cracker, she holds it up and says Ka-Ka over and over. It is SO cute! She has a word that she can use in the right context - walking and talking! Oh my!!

Campbell is loaded up with more new clothes, toys and books from Christmas. We are home safe and sound and we are all slowly but surely getting over our colds. We tried to remember what Christmas is really about and be thankful for the other really important December birthday. Do you think Baby Jesus was ever Baby Velcro to Mary? I doubt it...

Very few pictures were taken this Christmas as my hands were usually occupied holding my little 25-pound bundle of joy. It would've been nice to get some of Campbell with her grandparents, great Grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins...but she was pretty much just with me! Oh well, next year!! But here are a few from Christmas morning, and one showing her sitting in her big girl chair, attempting t0 drink big girl soymilk from a big girl sippy cup!


Clare said...

i am glad that she is feeling better!! we definitely went through those stages too!