Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Tupperware Cabinet, Such a Cliche

I feel like all parents say how their babies just love to play with the tupperware. Yeah, yeah, what a cliche. Or climb in the dishwasher. Again, another cliche. That's like when I walk Lexi and she pees on the fire hydrant. I'm like, can't you come up with something more original than that?? But back to Campbell, I realized my baby wasn't yet into tupperware or dishwashers! Probably because I've been too nervous to let her play in the non-carpeted areas of the house!! Well...she's mobile. Yesterday I counted 25 consecutive steps, and today...32 steps. On her own. She's definitely mobile! Wobbly....but mobile. She's 10 1/2 months old. It's time to explore, Campbell! So I led her into the kitchen, and watched her face light up as I opened the magical doors to...the tupperware cabinet!!!

And then, I attempted to empty the dishwasher while she played, knowing she'd probably be curious and come check it out. The issue is that Campbell didn't decide to climb in the dishwasher or go for the silverware like most kids might. Oh no, my baby IS original! She decided to gnaw on the door. That's right, she leaned all the way over, and started biting the door. The first picture is pre-bite. The second is post-bite. No more eating the dishwasher, Campbell. (If you had any doubt at all that Campbell's hair is red, check out the second picture).

So maybe we're not ready for the dishwasher yet. But I think the tupperware cabinet is going to add hours of fun in our near future. And who cares if all the other kids are doing it too! There's a reason why they do...because it's fun and a lot cheaper than running to Target for a new toy that lights and blinks and sings annoying songs!

And speaking of being original, who says girls don't love power tools? Campbell is at Hunter's house, showing him she knows how to operate the Cookie Monster drill press and the Elmo circular saw. These two are so cute together!!

After a long day of playing with power tools and tupperware, Campbell enjoys her formula from her sippy cup, one of her latest tricks!