Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Big Whole Much Prayers for Nanny

My niece Taylor uses the cutest phrase, "a big whole much." It is obviously used to describe anything you want a lot of. That's why it's so appropriate here, because I really want a lot of prayers for Nanny. A big whole much, to be exact.

Nanny is Travis' grandmother and a very important part of our lives. Travis has always been extremely close to Nanny. Growing up, she was ever-present and a huge influence on Travis and his brothers. In his adult life, Travis' relationship with his grandmother did not weaken. He talks to Nanny on his drive home from work every night. There's probably not a lot to talk about each day - the weather, something funny Campbell did, any upcoming plans - but still...they talk. They have a very special relationship. I too have become close to Nanny over the years, and now Campbell is too! Without going on and on any more, just trust me, she's part of the glue that holds our family together.

A few weeks ago, we found out that Nanny has bone cancer. Five years ago, she underwent chemo for breast cancer and has been doing well ever since. Over the last few months, she's had a nagging backache which turned into severe back pain. Apparently the doctors don't think the two cancers are related. In other words, bone cancer usually starts somewhere else and spreads to the bones. They haven't yet determined where this cancer started. The worst part of this terrible news is the amount of pain Nanny's in. She is in a tremendous amount of pain, and painkillers are not able to make her more comfortable. She is in week two of a two-week radiation treatment for her tumors. They continue to run all sorts of tests, scans, MRI's, etc. to learn more about her cancer and how to best treat her. Our prayer is simple - we just don't want her to be in this pain!! Of course part two is that we want her body to heal and strengthen and recover. But first and foremost, we just can't stand to see her hurt like this. She is such a strong woman and never quick to complain. If she says it hurts, boy, it really hurts.

We are trying to get to Marion often to spend time with her and to let Campbell brighten her day by saying her name, blowing her kisses and showing off her dancing skills. It may not cure the cancer, but it sure is good medicine! I'll update the blog with her progress as we learn more, but for now, we just really appreciate your big whole much prayers.


holly and drew said...

we're praying for all of you! xoxo