Thursday, January 8, 2009

10 Fingers, 10 Toes, 2 Chins

Campbell is 4 weeks old today. At birth, she weighed 7 pounds, 5.8 ounces. Today at her doctor's appointment, she weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces! It didn't take a scale for us to know she was packing on the pounds. Sweet little Campbell is getting round cheeks, a second chin, little chubby arms and legs, and a Buddha belly. We love it - just great signs that she's healthy and growing. The pediatrician just laughs and says - wow, ok, so we're obviously doing fine with the feedings. I am hoping that she's taking away all my extra pounds, I'd be more than happy to give them to my daughter. She needs them - I do not!

This week it was fantastic to have my mom here. She left just before the doctor's appointment. Over the past few days, we practiced running errands with the baby. It is NOT easy! We managed to get out several times, and each time I'd let my mom help less so I could try to figure out how I'd do it on my own. I got a little better at the whole infant seat thing (man, that thing is freakishly heavy) and decided a purse and a diaper bag is too much. I've never been one to have fancy designer purses, so it was with little regret that I left my Target purse at home today and threw my few essentials into the diaper bag. I installed the mirror in the backseat so when I'm driving, I can see Campbell in the rear view mirror. With all that preparation and practice, Campbell and I did just fine on our solo outing. I will choose carefully for sure when I decide to go out with her - some places are easier than others. The grocery store was tough even with my mom's help. With Campbell in the cart, there was no room for anything! Poor thing had Chips Ahoy sitting on her legs. :) And as if the store itself isn't enough of a challenge, getting home and unloading the car is no walk in the park when you have a baby to tend to. Mom and I also took Campbell to the mall just to walk around and get exercise since it was cold and windy outside. That went well, and is definitely something I can do on my own. I have to make a pact to stay away from the food court and from the stores since I'm trying to lose the baby weight and save it will take some willpower. Who knew I'd someday be a mall walker????

I know all I talk about is the baby these days. Or really not just these days, since I found out I was pregnant. Prior to having a baby, I liked to think I wouldn't be someone who would only use words like "poopie", "paci", and "princess angel peanut babycakes sweetie pie" in conversation. that Campbell is here, she's my world. And especially in these early days when all I do is take care of her. I really have nothing else to talk about! So anyway, I will just embrace my "poopie" world and enjoy it and hope my new vocabulary doesn't annoy anyone too much. My sister gave me this really cute book called "Princess Baby" that is all about all the stupid names parents make up to call their babies. Guilty!! Why I can't just call her Campbell all the time, who knows??

Speaking of the baby, Campbell's little whine is slowly turning into a cry, so I am off to check on my princess angel peanut babycakes sweetie pie.