Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trara or Savis?

It's been a busy week for Campbell and I. Doing what? I couldn't tell you. The thing about having a new baby is everything is a blur. Travis gets home from work and I feel like I've been running around busy all day. Yet I look around and can't seem to remember what I did all day, or understand why my to do lists are ever-growing. I never wanted to be a cliche - that whole "I don't have time to shower" mentality of new moms always seemed like a cliche to me. Yesterday I took a shower at 5pm, and had to put on a Tony Award worthy performance for Campbell while I dried my hair just to entertain her. I get it now!

Last week we started trying to let Campbell sleep in her crib in her own room at night. It's working! Not 100% of the time. But we are consistently trying to put her down in there at night and more often than not, she sleeps most of the night in her crib. When I say most of the night, I don't mean she's sleeping through the night. I mean when she is asleep, at nighttime hours, it's usually in her room. :) We've started establishing a bedtime routine with her which seems to help get her in the mood for catching some zzz's. Someday we'll figure all this out - probably as we are moving her into her dorm room at college...

Here's an interesting fact - who knew we were so hip? Campbell has the same carseat as Brad and Angelina's twins!! We were grocery shopping Friday night (yes, that was our family outing) and we spotted a tabloid where they were carrying the twins. Sure enough, they were in the Graco Safe Seats, in French Roast! I was surprised to see their babies in such a 'normal' infant carrier. I mean, it's nice...but it's just your run of the mill car seat. Anyway, we thought that was pretty cool. Maybe people will start to call us Trara. Or Savis.

We attempted to take Campbell to church on Sunday. Yeah...didn't work. She was wide awake when we got there and listened wide-eyed to the music. Our church is LOUD - and she seemed to enjoy that part. Of course her mood changed when the loud music stopped and the pastor took the stage. As soon as it got quiet in church, Campbell got loud. We tried to calm her in the lobby, but left soon after and went to Friendly's for some breakfast. There, she rested peacefully. Nice...our child prefers breakfast over God. :)


Alicia Sharp said...

Sara you crack me up! I don't mean to laugh but your last line got me! Hang in there!