Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Pulled a Britney

I totally pulled a Britney. I grocery shop at Super Wal-Mart now. I swear, I save so much money. But that's a topic for another time. I was going to buy a bunch of stuff that, according to my baby classes, I'll need at home after we get back from the hospital. Without going into any details, you can probably imagine some of the interesting items that would fill my cart. I also needed to buy food and drinks for this weekend since we'll have a houseful of family in town for the shower. While the women are at the shower, the boys will stay home and watch football, which means I needed to buy them some beer. I hate buying alcohol pregnant - it just doesn't look right. Anyway, I get my list together and I head out. I'm wearing some of my sister's hand-me-down maternity clothes. If you've read other posts, you know that some of her clothes are a stretch for me (literally) because I am a lot bigger than she was. I get halfway down the road to the Super Wal-Mart and realize I'm not wearing my wedding rings.

So picture me, in the Wal-Mart, no wedding rings, a cart full of random new baby/new mommy supplies and a case of beer, and my belly hanging out the bottom of my shirt. I am one classy mommy!!!


nicolefiehler said...


Clare said...

too funny, i can totally picture it!