Monday, November 3, 2008

She's Baaaa-aaaack!

Nesty Nesterson, that is. Back in full force! I haven't had a whole lot to write lately because I haven't done a lot that would be of interest to anyone else. I have been furiously nesting. We are talking SERIOUS nesting here. This is no joke. With Travis' help, we got the nursery pretty much done this past weekend! I will post pictures...but not yet. Will explain why in a minute. We also did some minor redecorating in our playroom (formerly known as our dining room). Up until last week, the playroom was where we kept Travis' bike, some random decorative items that had no logical home, a pink antique sofa that was my grandmother's, a wine rack, a box of sparklers leftover from our get the idea. We spruced it up a bit. For now, it's more of a sitting room with no purpose. But as Baby J grows up and we acquire more baby stuff and toys, that is where they will go. So anyway, we are excited to have at least gotten that project underway.

So I said I wasn't ready to post nursery pictures yet. That is because, this weekend...drumroll my baby shower! Therefore both Travis' family and mine are coming into town! I want to show it off in person first, so I'll hold off on posting pictures until after this weekend. I am so terribly excited for the baby shower. I remember how surreal my bridal shower was. I kept thinking, I can't believe I'm the Bride, and that my wedding is almost here, and that all these people have gathered to celebrate this happy occasion in my life! (And trust me, I remember it well...keep in mind that my bridal shower was just this past February!) :) I can imagine this weekend will bring the same feelings and it will be so fun to show off this belly which is honestly the size of a house.

Over the course of the weekend I got some awesome big belly comments from strangers. Some were the typical "twins, right?" or "must be any day now!" I especially liked a new comment I got "don't worry, I was huge too." hahahaha Huge too! Too funny! You just gotta laugh at this stuff...Travis and I were cracking up.

I am happy to report that I have been pretty busy with work lately. That is a wonderful thing. I am lucky to have new clients who aren't scared off by the sight of a huge pregnant lady. I have felt the need to justify that I can totally help them over the next few months. The fact that I work from my home office means that 90% of my real estate work can be done either (a) super pregnant or (b) with a newborn. Thank goodness for a flexible career!!!


Clare said...

sounds like you have been busy, can't wait to see the pictures from the nursery!!