Sunday, February 1, 2009

Aunt, Like Mom, Only Cooler

My sister flew in Thursday night to meet her niece!! I was so excited for Jen to finally get to spend some quality time with Campbell. I know how I feel about her daughter, Taylor, and I was so happy for her to get to see how cool it is to be an aunt! It's kind of how a lot of people describe being grandparents - you get to love on them, spoil them, and then give them back when they cry. :) My sister didn't do that though - she jumped in and helped when Campbell got fussy, changed diapers, played with her and helped us out a ton. Travis and I were hoping she'd be able to solve our issues with Campbell dropping the paci and crying for it over and over again. But unfortunately I think that will take more than Aunt Jen, that will take a miracle!! I'm pretty sure it was love at first sight for Jennifer and Campbell. We will get to be together again on Valentine's Day weekend when Campbell and her cousin Taylor will meet for the first time!! I'll be SURE to capture that on film. When Taylor was born and I went to visit, I took a coffee mug that I'd bought myself to keep at their house. It says, "Aunt, like Mom, only cooler." I drink out of when I'm visiting. Jen told me she's been drinking out of it since Campbell was born now that she's finally an aunt.

Campbell has had some issues with redness on her face. The pediatrician told us a few weeks ago that it was baby acne. We ended up back at the doctor on Friday because it was all over her body, and way worse than it had been. Turns out that she's got baby eczema. Poor thing has super dry skin all over her body! The bad news is that she may be itchy and a little more fussy, that we need to bathe her less often, and can no longer use that yummy lavender-scented bath wash. The good news is that within 24 hours of lubing her up with the fragrance-free creams and hydrocortisone like the doctor recommended, her skin is 100 times better. It's still kind of rough, but thank goodness the redness is going away and hopefully she is more comfortable now. I was SO upset about it. Not only was I worried about how she felt, I was so sad that she didn't have that perfectly smooth, perfectly white baby skin. Maybe she just needed some time with her Aunt Jen, it proved to be the best medicine!

Unfortunately time with Aunt Jen didn't work to heal me. I have a cold. Nothing major, but it does make it harder to get up in the middle of the night when you aren't feeling 100% to begin with. This afternoon I took a long nap, something I haven't done in a while. Tonight we are watching the SuperBowl, eating the chili my sister made for us before she left today (isn't she the best??) and going to bed!!


Clare said...

gotta love family!! thinking of you, i hope you are feeling better soon!