Monday, February 2, 2009

This Time Last Year...

It occurred to me over the weekend that my sister was here exactly one year ago. This weekend last year was my bridal shower/bachelorette party!! Of course I know my life has changed a lot in one year, but wow, that really put it in perspective. I remember the anticipation of my bridal shower and how surreal it was to think I was about to get married. I was tying together all the last minute details of the wedding. I was celebrating with my friends and family. I was going out on the town and drinking way too much for one last hoorah as a single lady (and paying for it BIG time the next day). And now, one year later, my sister came back to visit her seven week old niece. Both weekends, I was up in the middle of the night. Last year, we were catching a cab home from uptown Charlotte around 2:30 a.m. This year, I was up feeding Campbell and trying to ease her back to sleep in her crib. Last year, I was doing shots. This year, I turned down a glass of wine at dinner since I had to feed Campbell and I'm fighting a cold. Last year, I was shopping and spending all sorts of money on myself and getting ready for the wedding. This year, I find it much more fun to buy for Campbell and shopping for a body that just had a baby is NOT fun. Last year, I was pumped up for our honeymoon to St. Lucia. This year, I know most of our vacations in the near future will involve a hotel with an indoor pool and maybe a waterslide. And both years are fabulous in their own special way.

Sometimes I'll run into someone I haven't seen in a long time, or be catching up with someone on Facebook, and they'll say, "oh my gosh, I didn't realize you got married!" I just have to laugh, and say, "yep, sure did, oh and by the way I also have a seven week old daughter now too." Here is me before we headed out for my bachelorette party. Notice the "Future Mrs. Justice" shirt. Ha!! I love these pictures, and I am VERY excited to be able to fit back into those jeans. Soon I hope........

All the single ladies, all the single ladies...if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it...

Me and most of my bridesmaids. There's my sister on the far right!