Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Night Live

It's been a gloomy, cool, rainy, gray day. I spent the afternoon at a bridal shower. Travis and Campbell spent the afternoon hanging out inside and watched a few movies. They are calling for snow overnight tonight. Snow!!! Tomorrow it will be March! One last little snow is fine with me and then I hope it's time for spring. I am so ready to get out with that jogging stroller more often!! Not to jog...just to enjoy some fresh air. :)

Tonight I decided it was time for a photo shoot around here. What else are we supposed to do on a dreary Saturday night like this? A few of these really show how strong Campbell is getting and how much more alert she is these days. I have been desperately trying to catch her big smiles on film. I got a few that are pretty close. I still think the smiles are way bigger in person but these pictures are pretty cute (if it's OK to say that about your own baby)! Notice Lexi got in on the action - especially the one where she's leaping over the baby! Yikes! I'm not sure if you can tell in these pictures, but as of now, Campbell has big blue eyes, brownish/auburn hair and adorable big cheeks. I'm pretty sure you can see the cheeks... Her eyes seem to be getting bluer so we are wondering if maybe she did in fact get her Daddy's eyes! She seems to have most of his features so maybe the blue eyes are here to stay too. We are baffled by the auburn tint to her hair since we both have such dark hair, but it's so pretty on her! Can't wait to see how she grows and changes.