Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Glass is Half Full Again

I'm pleased to say that I think the Justice family wins the car battle!!! While I am still rollin' in the rental Cobalt...I am happy to report that Carmax has agreed to pay for the repairs. Woohoo! That was seriously stressing me out. Also, the landscapers came at the crack of dawn yesterday. So while they didn't mow when they said they would, they still made it before the aeration guys showed up. And as soon as the yard was aerated and new seed was put down, it poured down rain! I don't know much about yard upkeep, but I do know that rain immediately following a reseeding is a wonderful thing. So...things took a turn for the better around here. :)

This morning I started a women's study group at church. My class is called "Diapers, Pacifiers and Other Holy Things." I'm the only one in the class whose baby is not yet in the outside world. The other women laughed at my rookie status and said they'd have to be sure to only share positive things about motherhood in my presence. Notice I called them women. I am thirty years old - and for some reason I think of myself as having "girl" status still. If someone has a child, or has been married a while, then I refer to her as a "lady" or maybe even a "woman." So strange how labels work. I wonder if I'll consider myself a lady once our acrobat (aka Baby J) arrives...

Because posts are boring without pictures, here is a picture of the perfect compromise. The animals had been battling it out for the coveted sunny spot in the breakfast nook earlier this week. In the end, everyone was a winner.