Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Very Proud Wife

Our alarm went off early Saturday morning - 5:20 to be exact. We had to get going to get to Waxhaw in time for the Cane Creek Triathlon! Travis had planned to do the entire triathlon, but as I think I mentioned on an earlier post...a quick tune-up of his bike in the shop revealed that the frame was cracked beyond repair and unsafe to ride. So...Travis and his best friend Cameron decided to combine their strengths and compete as a relay team. Travis would swim the 750 meters, Cameron would do the bike and the run. Here is a picture of Cane Creek before the race started. Beautiful morning, but VERY cool! I was so worried about Travis jumping in that water, many other people had on wetsuits. Turns out the water was about 77 degrees and the air was only 54, so the water felt warm when he was in it! (Not to mention he was swimming 750 meters, which I imagine warms you up a bit...)

The relay teams were in the last heat, so Cameron's daughter and I waited patiently to see some purple swimcaps. Of course, once we did, we saw that Travis was at the very front of the heat, finishing before many other colored swimcaps (earlier waves). I thought I spotted him, and sure enough he pops out of the water, smiles up at me and throws me two peace signs over the water. hahaha I guess it's a combination of being so proud of him, being relieved he made it safely across the lake, and just loving him so darn much. But I got so choked up! I wanted to cheer for him, but I could hardly make a peep for fear of embarassing myself with a sob, so I just waved back. And that is so Travis - he's at the end of this terribly challenging physical feat - he's in a race, in a lake, for crying out loud. And there he pops out to wave at me and smile which was so cute.

Travis and Cameron proved to be the dynamic duo. Cameron continued what Travis started and really pushed himself on the bike, passing tons of people and finishing with a great time. He said he did OK on the run - neither of them like to run or consider it their strong point and somehow Cameron lost that battle and had to run. :) Travis had named their team "Team Slackers". At the awards ceremony, the announcer says, well this team didn't live up to their name, because in first place we have Team Slackers! Now Travis chuckles at this victory because there were only six relay teams. But hey, they finished first out of six!! Travis certainly hasn't been training much, so I find it extremely impressive they he can just jump in a lake and swim 750 meters like it's nothing! So there you have it, I am the proud wife of a first-place triathlete!!!!!!