Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One of those days...

It's just been one of those days. Travis is in South Carolina for the night at a client. I didn't think my day would be too eventful - just taking T's car for an oil change and inspection. To make a long story short, I'm now cruising in a rental Chevy Cobalt while we try to get CarMax to pay for the extensive work that needs to be done. Just frustrating. Then another debacle with the yard - Travis couldn't mow before he left town because it had rained. So at the last minute, we asked the landscapers to mow this one time because it needs to be mowed before we have it aerated tomorrow morning. You guessed it - landscapers never showed up. On top of that - I've just felt kinda crummy today. Not necessarily sick, but feeling really lethargic and blah.

Well that completes my complaining session for the day. I do have a positive vibe to share though. The cool thing about being pregnant is you can be having "one of those days." And right in the middle of all the frustration, the baby will kick or move. Feeling that wipes away every petty little care in the world. Yesterday Baby J had two milestones - she kicked her Daddy for the first time. It was very special for him to finally feel his daughter move. I've been trying to get him to feel her move for weeks and our timing was off, or she wouldn't cooperate. Finally!! And she learned how to kick hard enough so that I can actually see the belly move!! Cool, in a freaky sort of way.