Sunday, December 14, 2008

Campbell's Sunday Morning Update

Travis and I went home last night and tried to get organized. The labor and delivery was a very tough process to say the least, but it was nothing compared to how difficult it was to leave here last night. But...there's nothing you can do in a situation like this but just press forward. So on we go!

It was so nice to be at our own house. This afternoon we will pick up Lexi from the Bed & Biscuit where she's been since Wednesday. It'll be nice to have that baby home, and it's been great to not have to worry about her. We got organized last night for today. In theory you'd think, ok, well they can go home and catch up on some rest and get ready for the real fun when Campbell comes home. Well, that theory doesn't hold up. Since we want to breastfeed, when I'm not physically with Campbell, I have to be constantly working on things...I'll spare you the details. But that means we are up every 3 hours. I said "we" because this is a team effort and my sweet husband is beside me every second doing whatever he can and answering all my orders.

We got here at 8 a.m. today for Campbell's feeding. She wasn't too interested in me which is fine, but boy does she like to take a bottle!! We got initiated today...while changing her diaper, she decided to poop on us, and then poop on us, and then poop some more. It was very funny and something I know every new parent experiences. We made a mess - and then she topped it off by peeing on us. That's my girl!!!

We were there when the doctors rounded so that was great. They are terribly pleased with her progress. So far our prayers are being answered - the blood cultures and spinal tap still remain negative, meaning there has not been another instance of bacteria. The doctor said the longer we go with a negative, the better the outlook is that we won't see any more bacteria. These cultures were done on the let's just hope and pray that we keep heading in this direction. She has a bit of jaundice. It's mild and that is typical even in babies that don't have any other problems. This morning they are putting her on a blanket to help with her jaundice, instead of the lights. However she may have to wear little eye covers if the billirubin lights are too bright. We'll know when we go back in for our next visit. It looked like a little white ski mask, so our princess might look like a bank robber... The doctor was very pleased with her and said if the cultures remain negative and she continues to do this well, we can expect her to move to the progressive care unit this week which is just a little more relaxed and we'll have more privacy. She even quoted a date - she said she'd like to say December 23rd she's going home. That of course depends on everything coming up roses between now and then, but that's a good goal. I told her we had a new sleeper that says 'baby's first Christmas' and we'd like her to be wearing it at home! The doctor thinks she will be. The 23rd seems like an eternity from now - but we'll got hour by hour and day by day and hopefully it'll get here fast.

She's got a big ole IV line in her leg. It makes Daddy and I cringe, but they swear it doesn't bother her. It's just big so they can give her all her IV meds and fluids that way and not have to change a little dinky IV every day or so. I guess anything looks huge on a little baby, and it''s never fun to see wires attached to your little angel. But the wires are decreasing, and Travis and I are getting quite good at juggling the baby with the wires attached. My mom made a good point, we are going to pro's at baby handling when we get home. If we can pass her off now while she's hooked up to stuff, imagine how easy it will be when she's just chillin'!?!?!

She continues to make us ooh and aah - every so often we get her good and awake and she just stares at us. Mostly at her Daddy actually, but I'm not bitter. I think he's easy on the eyes too, Campbell. Her eyes seem to be a very dark blue right now. So pretty!

We are so grateful for all the kind words. We know we have fallen off the face of the Earth - it's really hard to juggle this schedule and find any phone or e-mail time, especially when reception is bad here, cell phones aren't allowed in the NICU, we have to be at her feedings every couple hours, shower, eat, etc. Notice I didn't say sleep, we aren't really fitting that in schedule just yet. :) Welcome to parenthood! We appreciate all your messages and promise we are reading them and enjoying them even though you haven't heard back from us. I will try to keep this updated with news about Campbell. We promise we are taking pictures, but there are only so many angles we can photograph her from in our little corner of the NICU. And then of course there's that whole 'finding time to upload them' thing... For now, just take my word for it that she's absolutely adorable and getting cuter by the minute and I'll send pictures soon to show off our baby. Thanks again - keep the good vibes coming, so far they are working!!!!


Clare said...

Thinking of you, it sounds like she is getting better each day! the 23rd will be here before you know it, I just know the wait will be difficult. XOXO, C

nicolefiehler said...

Campbell's a little fighter! we're praying for you guys...have fun with your sweet little girl! tucker can't wait to meet her!

The Klauders said...

Go Campbell! Go Campbell!