Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Mommy Thoughts

Hello all. Campbell wants me to tell you that she says hey, and she is extremely grateful for all of your continued support. It is working!!!! Our sweet little baby is doing amazingly well. As of this morning, her blood cultures are still negative, meaning they haven't found any evidence of the infection since her birthday. This is a good thing - it just means they keep running the antibiotic treatment and then she's all ours! I wouldn't say we're 100% in the clear yet, I guess there's always that chance that something could show up still. But the doctor told us that the more time passes, the less likely things are to take a turn for the worst. And on top of that, she's doing so well, they'd be very surprised if her condition moved in a negative direction.

This morning, Campbell got the green light to eat as much as she wants at each feeding. Before they were regulating her intake and increasing it at tiny intervals to make sure she could handle it. Our girl likes to eat (big surprise there) and she seems to enjoy her culinary freedom now. :) She and I have learned how to breastfeed - and while we're not experts yet - it seems like it's going to work. As a new mommy, at times I've felt pretty helpless feeling like there's nothing I can do for her while she's in the hospital. So emotionally, it's been very special to me to be able to feed her this last day or so. I feel like I can finally contribute something to her health and it's very gratifying. I do share with Travis too so he can have that moment of total bliss when feeding her and she's staring up at you. Of course he's using a bottle....but the bonding is the same. It's wonderful!

Yesterday when I said she pooped on us, I meant she pooped while we were changing her diaper, on the clean diaper. Three different times. Today she trumped that. She pooped IN Travis' hand and made a few noises that we were really proud of. hahahaha

She had her hearing checked by an audiologist today and she passed. So that's good, now she better listen! We also had a quick chat with our case manager and our social worker (assigned to every NICU baby). They both assured us that the fact they were sent to us is a great sign that she'll go home soon. Now, that doesn't mean earlier than expected. As far as we know, she has to stay until her meds are done, regardless of how un-sick she seems. But at least they think she's well enough to go ahead and knock out the administrative details.

We see so many tiny and very sick babies in there with Campbell and it reminds us that yes, we are in a bad situation, but we are still so lucky. I have to remind myself of these things when it's time to go home at night - I'm pretty much an emotional wreck. Or when we see new parents leaving the hospital with their babies. All of those things are tough to witness because I am so jealous. But hey, like so many of you have said so eloquently, this is just a few weeks in Campbell's life that we'll look back on as a distant memory when she's running through this house someday soon.

Off to rest before heading back to the hospital tonight. Whatever you're doing, keep it up, because our little angel is doing great and we know that all your support has something to do with that!


Clare said...

love to you!!! i am so glad that she is feeding well!! that is wonderful, and such a great mommy bond:) XOXO, C