Sunday, December 28, 2008

Grandparents Rock

Campbell is so lucky to have four wonderful grandparents and two great grandmothers who all love her very much. Either in person or via webcam, she's had the chance to meet all of them so far. My parents came down Christmas night and left this morning. I alluded to how much help they were in my last post - but allow me to elaborate. It was so wonderful to have them here to hang out and help out. First of all it was two extra sets of hands, which are quite useful. It's pretty amazing how heavy a 7ish pound baby can get, and how hard it is to get anything done when all you want to do is hold the baby. Extra hands can 'go get my water', 'let the dog out', and of course 'hold the baby.' Extra sets of hands did so much more though. Yesterday Travis went to Marion for the day to attend his brother's wedding reception. I spent the majority of the day on the couch, feet propped up, just staring at my baby and watching TV. Meanwhile my parents scurried around me, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, organizing the pantry, hanging things on the wall for us, folding laundry, etc. It was awesome! After they left this morning, I ran the dishwasher, and I was thinking, man, I'm actually going to have to empty this thing myself! :) It was really, really nice to have the help around here. We had real meals, clean sheets on our bed, and a constant "oh my gosh your baby is so cute." What could be better?

And please don't think I'm only bragging about my parents. Travis' parents are wonderful also. Travis' parents are close enough that they can come often for shorter visits. Since my parents are in Virginia, when they visit, they stay the night and therefore the situation is more conducive to them being our live-in cooks/maids/nannies. Anyway, we've just really enjoyed having our parents around Campbell. I know some people's parents drive them crazy. Not the case here! Travis and I are quite lucky in that we both have cool 'rents that we enjoy hanging out with. And even better, that our families mesh well. Campbell's got a good thing going in the family department!!

I've got some pictures to share now. You'd think that with that intro, they'd be pictures of Campbell with her grandparents. Nope, that would make too much sense. In fact, I don't have many with the grandparents! :( My mom does - I'll have to get her pictures uploaded soon. Here are just some of my favorites from the last week. I think she looks so different from one picture to the next. But of course I think she's gorgeous in every one...


Clare said...

she looks so cute! i am glad you are doing well! xo, c