Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Sun'll Come Out...TOMORROW!!!

Sorry for the cheesy title, but I'm so excited I could sing the theme song from Annie. Tomorrow is the big day - Campbell comes home!!! She was born on Thursday the 11th...and will finally come home on Monday the 22nd. That might not sound like a very long time, but I can assure you that this waiting period of 12 days has seemed longer than the 9 months I was pregnant. We have met other families whose babies have been there for months. So yes, we recognize that in the big scheme of things, we are so very fortunate and our stay at the hospital was short. However, it's all relative, and to us, this has been an eternity. It has been mentally and physically exhausting. We have been dealing with an insane mix of emotions - total and utter joy, fear, frustration and sadness. And hopefully tomorrow, all of those will disappear and be a distant memory - except for the total and utter joy. :)

Today we had to watch a video and sit through a class. Remember all those baby classes we took? We were already quite educated in baby care, but as procedure, we had to sit through some more. Anything to be one step closer to coming home! The nurses can't say enough great things about Campbell. They are just amazed at how chill she is, what an easy going personality she has, how rarely she fusses, and how long she sleeps. Other than the long naps, I'd say it sounds like she's going to be just like her Daddy. :) And we assume those long naps will be a thing of the past as soon as she gets home.

I have been in an awful mood today. Bad with a capital "B". Which seems crazy considering tomorrow it's all over and I can finally bring my baby home. I think just being this close to the end, I just hit a wall. I am so tired of scrubbing in, of driving to the hospital, of wearing paper gowns, of eating in the hospital cafeteria, etc. It's also been quite a challenge to keep myself on Campbell's feeding schedule since she and I aren't together all the time. Let's just leave it at that - my body is a bit confused. Hopefully that will go away tomorrow too. My mind has been racing about stupid nesting things. It's very weird to have this much notice about when the baby is coming home. I feel the need to reorganize everything one last time. I know when I wake up tomorrow, that the bad mood will be replaced with excitement. I just had one of those days where I felt sorry for myself and I was tired and just wanted my baby!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for all of your prayers over the last week and a half. Please keep them coming - they have certainly worked, and I'm sure we will need more as we tackle parenthood for the first time. We also won't breathe a total sigh of relief until we walk through the front door carrying our precious that is my prayer tonight...just that tomorrow goes smoothly and Campbell is as happy to be at home as we are!


Clare said...

good luck sara, we are all thinking of you!!

Kasi said...

Since finding your blog and learning about Campbell I've been praying for her. Glad she got to come home! :) Merry Christmas!