Tuesday, December 23, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

Home. Home Sweet Home. With our baby girl. What could be better???

Yesterday went really well. As expected, it took a while to get out of the hospital. We finally left around 2pm. Coming home was really pretty easy! Lexi was a little freaked out for the first hour or so. We let her sniff Campbell in the car seat, but she was still very curious. We put Campbell in the car seat up on the island in our kitchen, and Lexi paced around the island, whining and anxious. But since we've gotten settled and Campbell has been out and about, Lexi and Harley don't seem to mind or really even notice their new little sister! Lexi likes to be where we are - so she just kind of follows us around and lays down near us. She even laid on the couch with us and Campbell yesterday, only because we invited her up there. And she was unnerved by any noises or movement Campbell made. We are so glad we did all that training!!!!!!!!

The one wonderful thing about Campbell's stay in the hospital is they got her on a schedule. Actually I can think of two more wonderful things. The extra time gave me time to get a little more energy back and I'm getting around really well now. And also, I was able to get Campbell used to breastfeeding before we came home, and that can be a really stressful thing. She eats every 3-4 hours, which is fantastic for a newborn. I think she has smuggled a little stopwatch in her onesie somewhere because she really is like clockwork - which is great! I imagine that we had a WAY easier first night than most new parents. Campbell knew the drill - she went to bed and got up about three and a half hours later. Now did I sleep? Not really. I listened to her breathe, checked on her after every grunt and coo, and just watched her. But then Daddy got her up and brought her downstairs this morning and let me sleep in an extra hour or so, so I'm feeling OK now.

Gotta run - no more time to sit leisurely at the computer and blog. But things are going great and we are happy to have her home!


Clare said...

what a wonderful christmas gift sara!! i am so excited for your family, you are bringing back so many memories!! love ya!