Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Moral Dilemma

Before I go on to pose my moral dilemma, I'm proud to announce that Campbell slept through the night again last night!! She started crying at 5:30 so I headed into her room prepared to feed her. I thought, OK, 5:30 isn't bad and is kind of her normal time to get up. When I got in her room, I noticed she wasn't really awake. She was crying but hadn't opened her eyes. She was obviously crying because somehow she'd gotten turned around and her head was up against the rails of the crib. You see, they tell you to take the bumpers out of the crib these days for safety, so they don't accidentally bury their faces in the padding. I almost left the bumpers in there to be cute because after all, she can't even roll over yet. But thank goodness I erred on the side of caution. Campbell may not be able to roll over yet, but that baby is mobile! She often ends up in a way different spot than where we left her! Anyway, I moved her back to the center of the crib, gave her a paci and went back to bed. Our sweet angel then slept until seven a.m. I feel so well rested and energized today! Seriously, I'm on top of the world. I hope this sleeping through the night thing turns into a habit! My friend Nicole told me that we'd turn a corner at twelve weeks. That somehow it just starts to magically get easier. Campbell will be twelve weeks on Thursday, and I think Nicole was right!

So the whole point of this post, now that I'm done rambling about Campbell's sleep, is to discuss the moral dilemma I faced today. Campbell and I went to Super Target today to buy some baby things (diapers, pacis, etc.) and groceries. Although it wasn't on my list, I was so glad I thought to pick up some Sudafed. My nose has been so runny, probably because it's so darn cold. The high today was in the 30's. Yikes! As I've said before, I never figured out how to snap the carseat onto the top of the grocery cart. Nor do I trust that it's stable enough there. So poor Campbell is down in the cart in her infant seat, surrounded by groceries. I carefully unpacked the cart and thought I'd gotten everything out at the check-out. I get out to the car on this blustery 30-something degree day and put all the groceries in my trunk. Then I pull out the infant seat, and there it is...the Sudafed...not in a bag. Oh my gosh, I accidentally stole it! At this point, I'm not going back inside. It's too far, it's too cold, the trunk is full of food and I'm not interested in lugging that infant seat back inside or pushing the cart around anymore. For a brief minute I thought, it's only like $3 (it was generic Sudafed). I didn't mean to steal it, so it's not really stealing, and I really need the medicine. Then I just about slapped myself. Sara!! That is wrong! Accident or not, you do not get to take this Sudafed without paying for it! I remember a time when Travis and I were at Lowe's and we accidentally walked out with a $2 putty knife we didn't pay for. He went back inside and paid for it. I was so impressed with his moral character, I think it helped me make what I thought was the right decision today. What did I do? I left the Sudafed in the cart and pushed it back over to the cart return. I figured that when they come out to get the carts, they'll see it and restock it. There was no way I was going back inside to pay for it when it was that cold and I had the baby with me. It seemed logical to me.

I called Travis at work later and told him my story thinking he'd be so proud of my strong moral character. He was cracking up, found it hilarious. He's like let me get this straight, you actually left the Sudafed in the cart, in the parking lot? That was your way of being nice? I guess he has a point. And now that I type it out, it's kind of funny to me too. We both laughed at it quite a bit. At least I won't be lying in bed tonight feeling guilty for stealing! I asked him what he would've done. He agreed that he wouldn't have gone back in. He thinks he would've taken the Sudafed and then gone back another day and paid for it. Now THAT is hilarious. He would totally do it, I know he wouldn't just steal it. But seriously, do you walk up to guest services and say, here I actually owe you guys $3 for some Sudafed I accidentally stole last week. Too funny!