Thursday, March 5, 2009

Twelve Weeks Old

Campbell hit the twelve week mark today! She won't technically be three months old until the 11th of March...February was a short month. So I'll do her posed three-month shot next week when it's official. But wow, twelve weeks!! She woke up at 3:45 this morning ready to party. And I mean, ready to party! After I fed her, she wasn't ready to sleep. She was happy, but WIDE awake. Oh well, I can't blame her, I'd be excited to turn twelve weeks old too. Hopefully tonight she'll sleep through the night again. She "helped" me keep the infant nursery at church this morning, so hopefully all that hard work wore her out.

I have a few pictures to share from the last few days. Campbell's personality is showing up more and more everyday. She said "uh oh" and "cool" the other day. Obviously she didn't really say these things, it was just baby babble. But it was so funny, both times, what she said was totally fitting for the "conversation" we were having with her. She is smiling up a storm and melting her Daddy and I into a big pile of mush every time she does. We are so in love with her! I don't care what is going on in the world or what kind of a day we've had...when Campbell smiles at us...all is right with the world in that instant. It is the absolute best feeling in the world.
The snow out our front door on Sunday night.
And out the back door...
How funny is this new paci holder? I think she's embarassed of it, but I think it's adorable.

Somehow she always gets turned around like this and eventually ends up bumping her head into the crib.

Look how red her hair looks! I think this picture is deceiving, it's not that red. But it definitely has some auburn in it. Who would've guessed?Campbell can now hold her head up pretty well. She's enjoying sitting up and seeing the world. She scratched her face with a sharp fingernail last night, you can see the little scratches. Oops! I gave her a baby manicure today.Save the best for last. Smile Campbell, you are twelve weeks old today!