Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Week of Worrying

This week, I have been a worrying aunt! My niece Taylor was terribly sick. She had a fever of 105 on Tuesday and ended up in the ER. After getting an IV of some fluids, she was sent home. Unfortunately things got worse on Wednesday and after another trip to the ER, she ended up in the hospital. That night, they decided she needed to be transported to a larger hospital that had a pediatric ICU. Poor little thing was extremely dehydrated, lethargic to the point where they were calling it an altered mental state, not eating or drinking, and unable to get this terrible fever under control. My sister called me from the front seat of the ambulance when Taylor was being transported to the new hospital. Parents aren't allowed in the back. Crazy...I still can't grasp that. But anyway, Jen had a little camera in the front seat where she could see Taylor in the back, all strapped in, wide-eyed, clutching her Elmo doll for dear life. That mental picture broke my heart. What a brave little girl!

After a trying two days, I'm happy to report that Taylor got sent home last night. My sister and my brother-in-law never left her side and they are beyond exhausted. Thank goodness his family lives in town and was able to bring them meals, coloring books for Taylor, and much-needed company and support. They are just calling this a really nasty virus. Nasty is not a strong enough word to describe this sickness! I was worried sick about her, and so upset that my sister had to go through that. I have had a baby in the is the most awful thing ever. I know it's quite different to have a sick baby versus a sick two year old. Each has its unique challenges and worries of course - in a lot of ways they are not comparable at all. At least we got to leave to shower and rest for a few hours here and there when Campbell was sick. But I could hear the exhaustion and worry in her voice and I just wanted to run up to Virginia and fix it.

When someone in your family is sick and hurting, all you want to do is be there. Period. Just be there. I know there was nothing I could really do for any of them this past week. I just wanted to be there worrying with them. When you are not with your family, it doesn't matter if it's 10 miles or 10 hours away, it feels like a million miles away. I love that little girl so much and I can't wait to see her again and give her a huge hug. Until then, I'll have to settle for a webcam call so I can see her acting like her old self again to reassure me that she's just fine. Now that I'm a mommy, I think I'm even more affected by things. My perspective on life is just different now - it's so fragile and it's so, so precious.

Here's a picture of Taylor from this past Valentine's Day weekend. So glad you're OK!!!!!!!!!!